
14 Laundry Hacks to Live By

How much time do you estimate you spend on laundry per week? On average, humans spend approximately 1 hour & 13 minutes each week, which equals 209.33 days or 6.97 months of your lifetime.

Illustration of a woman doing laundry, people spend 1 hour 13 mins per week on average on laundry.

Think of all the things you could do with that amount of time! To help you take back some of your time, we have put together fourteen tips and tricks designed to combat smelly clothes, cut down on time spent in the laundry room, save costs, and efficiently organize your clothes.

Smell Hacks

Hit the gym lately? Get rid of the lingering sweat smell with this DIY tip!

An infographic that says how to add 1 cup of white vinegar to laundry to remove musty smells

Speed Hacks

Have you ever gotten ready for a night out only to realize your favorite shirt is still damp? Dry your clothes faster with the assistance of a clean, dry towel or wool dryer balls!

Circle infographic of clothes drying, ironing, and folding hacks.

Organization Hacks

We have all meant to separate our delicate clothes, only to realize they found their way into the dryer and are now two sizes too small. Don’t make the same mistake twice with this organization hack!

Infographic of laundry organization hacks for lost socks, dish towels, and more.

DIY Hacks

Making your own laundry detergent is great for the environment and your wallet! Try out these four homemade detergent recipes!

Infographic with DIY recipes for liquid laundry products.

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