
Our Cleaning Services

Our Cleaning Services

We're Here to Make Your Life Easier

Quality cleaning services have never been more important. We are all aware of the value of having a clean, sanitary environment for our health. At The Cleaning Authority, we also know your time is limited. We know how difficult it is to maintain a clean space while managing every other part of your life, from work to children, and everything in between. That's why we offer comprehensive cleaning services that can be fit to your needs.

Whether you take advantage of our ongoing cleaning services or need a one-time clean, you'll have peace of mind knowing that our cleaning professionals will get the job done right. We have the supplies and expertise to tackle any project. Our cleaning company is here to make your life easier.

Trust a Cleaning Company with Over 20 Million Cleans

The Cleaning Authority has handled over 20 million cleans. That's tens of thousands of homes fully cleaned and sanitized to our customers' satisfaction. With so much experience, we can take on any job with professionalism, a friendly attitude, and the attention to detail that this industry requires.

Why choose our cleaning services company?

  • We're focused on your satisfaction—and safety.
  • We use environmentally friendly cleaning products.
  • Our Detail-Clean Rotation System ensures every part of your space gets a deep cleaning.
  • We can come as often as you like - your cleaning schedule can be tailored to your needs.
  • You can customize our cleaning services to meet your needs and concerns.

Instead of wasting hours cleaning, leave it to our professionals. You'll be free to focus more on spending time on yourself, your career, and your loved ones!

Cleaning Services FAQ

Is It Worth It to Have Someone Else Clean for Me

It can be difficult to decide whether to handle cleaning on your own or to hire a company to do it for you. In the end, this will be a choice that only you can make. If you think you may be interested in taking cleaning off your to-do list, schedule a free estimate with The Cleaning Authority. We can explain more about our services and tell you about the pricing, timing, and other key factors. Then, you can make the decision that's right for you.

What Basic Cleaning Services Do You Provide?

Our cleaning services include a list of items, from vacuuming to cleaning and sanitizing countertops and toilets, and everything in between. We use a Detail-Clean Rotation System wherein we complete all basic cleaning and focus on deep cleaning certain areas of your space each time we clean your home. When you walk into your space after our cleaning services are complete, you'll see that the floors, walls, appliances, countertops, and all living areas are spotless.

What Will Your Cleaning Services Cost?

The cost of services will vary depending on the size of your property, how often you want us to come, and other factors. That's why we offer free quotes. You can talk to us about what you need and your budget, and we can tailor a cleaning program that meets your needs. Our prices are competitive, and our customers would agree that we’re worth every penny. Depending on your budget, we'll work out what cleaning services are best for you!

How Often Should I Utilize Your Cleaning Services?

Some people prefer weekly cleanings while others maintain basic cleaning on their own and utilize The Cleaning Authority for deep cleans, move-ins, move-outs, or other specific occasions. Whether you want us to clean every week, before a party, or once a quarter, we've got you covered. It's up to you to choose how often you want your space cleaned—we'll be there when you need us. If you choose a frequency and then discover that it doesn't work with your schedule or needs, give us a call, and we can change it for you!

Overview of Our Cleaning Company Services

At The Cleaning Authority, our cleaning services are comprehensive and customizable. We use eco-friendly supplies that properly clean and sanitize even the most difficult and dirty areas. Because we have extensive cleaning experience and training, we know how to tackle any type of grime and which supplies are best for different surfaces. You can feel confident that your space will be clean and protected.

Our cleaning services* include, but are not limited to:

  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms
  • Sleeping areas
  • Living areas
  • Hardwood floors
  • Carpet and area rugs
  • Manufactured flooring
  • Appliances

From carefully dusting valuables to sanitizing counters, you can count on our cleaning company to deliver!

*Services vary by location. Contact The Cleaning Authority near you for more information.

Choose the Cleaning Services That Are Right for You

We all have our concerns when it comes to cleaning. If you're interested in weekly cleanings, a one-time clean, or our a la carte items, we're happy to oblige. Choose the program you want with the freedom to change if you find it doesn't suit your current needs. The entire purpose is to take the burden of cleaning off your shoulders.

The last thing you want at the end of the day is to spend hours cleaning. Spend your time on something you love instead and trust your cleaning services to The Cleaning Authority. Our professionals are friendly, reliable, and fast. Because we adhere to strict cleaning standards and use green products, you can feel confident that your property will be cleaned properly and without undue risk to the environment or your loved ones.

Schedule your free estimate to learn more about our cleaning services near you and what it will take to achieve and maintain the perfect clean for your budget. Contact us today!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • We Treat Your Home Like Our Home

    Our cleaning crews are professionally trained, and if you’re ever unhappy with any area we’ve cleaned, we’ll return the next day and reclean it.

  • Immediate, Accurate Online Quotes

    We’ll give an immediate price quote so you can enjoy your time rather than worry about the mess.

  • We Are Fully Bonded and Insured

    At The Cleaning Authority, we are fully bonded and insured, meaning you can have peace of mind when we enter your home.

  • Our Passion for the Environment

    We as a company are committed to using cleaning products that are environmentally responsible, sustainable, and safe for the Earth.

Life’s Too Short To Clean Your Own Home®.

Get A Free Estimate

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